Free download steam gato roboto
Free download steam gato roboto

free download steam gato roboto

  • Explore the underground labyrinth of a deep space outpost and uncover the dastardly deeds that unfolded before your arrival.
  • You’ve crash landed on an alien planet, the real soldier is incapable of completing the mission himself, so he does what any good soldier would do – No, not call up his superiors to report the situation and send for backup! Features of Gato Roboto: Right from the start Gato Roboto shows off its style, as the game’s plot is rooted in its playful silliness. This game have some decent replay value in trying to see how fast you can clear the game to doing a minimal health run. The game offers plenty of challenge and mix up the formula to keep the game fresh. This is a quick and cute metroidvania you can clear in no time. Adventure awaits the most curious of cats in Gato Roboto!

    free download steam gato roboto

    Tiptoe outside the friendly confines of your technological marvel and follow your feline instincts through tight tunnels and mysterious waterways to scavenge for new weapons and gear. Pounce inside of your cozy armored mech and set off on a dangerous trek through an alien underworld full of irritable creatures and treacherous obstacles in a valiant effort to save your stranded captain and his crashed spaceship. Will you be able to save your captain?Ī black and white classic pixel game where you are going to save your stranded captain and his crashed spaceship.

    free download steam gato roboto

    Gato Roboto is an Action and Adventure game for PC published by Devolver Digital in 2019.

    Free download steam gato roboto